Children's books on Pergraphica
Story-time with Pergraphica: some stories for children that are even better on Pergraphica

“Ilié Prépéleac”
This book by Aglaé Rochette and Nora Lecta was published by Le Cosmographe. As an international and multi-cultural publisher, Le Cosmographe focuses on children’s books that deal with many diverse backgrounds. The poetic story of Ilié Prépéleac fits right in: it bridges the gap between the Romanian culture of Nora Lecta and the French culture of Aglaé Rochette. The book makes great use of Pergraphica Classic Smooth by giving the vivid colours of Rochette’s illustrations an even bigger boost.

"Byl jednou jeden zázrak"
Some books turn out to be so beautiful, they are nominated for awards. Like "Byl jednou jeden zázrak", which was a contender in the Most Beautiful Books of the Czech Republic competition. The book – loosely translated as “There was a miracle once” - is all about fairy tales. Not the fairy tales most of us know, but Creole fairy tales that tell us what it is like to live in colonized country. But like a lot of the usual fairy tales, these do teach us valuable life lessons – especially about survival when the outlook is the bleakest.

"Rosa Caramelo"
Adela Turín's book about pink elephants from 1975 is a children's classic. The story about a non-conforming elephant is an example for the kind of controversial children’s literature that is rare but always needed. So we're very happy that a Spanish translation, published by Kalandraka as "Rosa Caramelo", was printed on Pergraphica Natural Rough, emphasizing the iconic illustrations by Nella Bosnia. A great choice, because what better way to feel the coarseness of an elephant’s skin than through the roughness of a premium paper?

Into the woods with Hubert Reeves
The Canadian popular scientist Hubert Reeves is a figure almost larger than life. Which is somewhat ironic, because his books are all about life. As a trained astrophysicist, he knows of the importance science has in our lives. For decades now, his passion has been to instill in all of us not merely the importance of science, but also the importance of the world that surrounds us.In this book, where Hubert Reeves takes a trip into the forest to show the diversity of plants and wildlife, nature comes alive through Daniel Casanave’s immersive drawings. The German translation of the book, published by Jacoby & Stuart, is printed on Pergraphica Classic Smooth, where Casanve’s drawings make everyone wish they too were on a trip into nature with Hubert Reeves.

Last but not least, let’s have a look at “Klimaschweine”. The German title, translated loosely as “Climate pigs”, deals with the climate crisis and how to convey its importance to children. The title may seem polemic, but the protagonists are in fact pigs, who are being educated by a few very wise penguins.
As author Till Penzek and illustrator Julia Neuhaus point out, the book approaches the subject not by pointing fingers, but by showing possible solutions. The book is published by Kunstanstifter and like most of the above books, printed on Pergraphica Classic Smooth.
As diverse and different as the above examples are, they have one thing in common: they are stories that help children make sense of the world we live in. Which is why they deserve the kind of paper that will not only make those stories shine, but allows children to feel and sense those stories in every way possible.