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Forward Session x Pergraphica Berlin
25/04/2019 23:00
25/04/2019 23:00
Blogfabrik Berlin
Oranienstraße 185
10999 Berlin
Questo evento è passato
Forward Session x Pergraphica Berlin
Presented by Pergraphica, the premium design paper by Mondi, and Forward Festival.
Berlin Studio Crizilla & Delasey talk about paper craft, stop-motion and their work for clients like Coca-Cola, Adobe and Adidas. Afterwards they conduct a workship, allowing you to go hands on yourself. To make the whole evening even more enjoyable, we're providing the Viennese version of Streetfood. We call it the Würstlstand.
Tickets are free of charge, but space is limited, so please do register by clicking the link.
Presented by Pergraphica, the premium design paper by Mondi, and Forward Festival.
Berlin Studio Crizilla & Delasey talk about paper craft, stop-motion and their work for clients like Coca-Cola, Adobe and Adidas. Afterwards they conduct a workship, allowing you to go hands on yourself. To make the whole evening even more enjoyable, we're providing the Viennese version of Streetfood. We call it the Würstlstand.
Tickets are free of charge, but space is limited, so please do register by clicking the link.