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White paper applied to genius
Salone dell’Istituto Salesiano PIO XI
Via Umbertide 11
Cet événement est passé
On November 7th come to discover, straight from the mouth of Roberto Valvo how the fantastic projects of Flying Tiger Copenhagen are born; come and find out how Andrea Gandini, a young street sculptor, manages to give new dignity to a scrap; come and discover how Roberta Anfora and Monica Fraschetti manage to transform buildings into cheerful homes for Studenti Felici.
We will also give space to the creativity of some of the young PIO XI students who participated in the Sperienzia contest by creating a notebook dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci with the PERGRAPHICA® design paper.
We will also give space to the creativity of some of the young PIO XI students who participated in the Sperienzia contest by creating a notebook dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci with the PERGRAPHICA® design paper.
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