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Forward Session x Pergraphica Hamburg
23/05/2019 23:00
23/05/2019 23:00
Geometry Global
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 85
20355 Hamburg
Questo evento è passato
We're happy to present our third Forward Session x Pergraphica, this time around in Hamburg.
Speaker Lobulo, scalpel jedi and graphic artist, will be talking about paper craft, design and illustration. Afterwards he will hold a workshop, giving you the opportunity to get hands on yourself. To make this even more enjoyable, we'll provide you with the Viennese type of streetfood - the Würstlstand.
The event is free, but space is limited, so do click the sign-up link to reserve your ticket.
We're happy to present our third Forward Session x Pergraphica, this time around in Hamburg.
Speaker Lobulo, scalpel jedi and graphic artist, will be talking about paper craft, design and illustration. Afterwards he will hold a workshop, giving you the opportunity to get hands on yourself. To make this even more enjoyable, we'll provide you with the Viennese type of streetfood - the Würstlstand.
The event is free, but space is limited, so do click the sign-up link to reserve your ticket.